Monday, April 14, 2008

This is my first post

The class that I am taking is very good for you to use later on in the future and it would be helpful if you worked with computers at your job. I’ve learn a lot of things ,like for example I now know how to design my very own web page and I could make any picture look even better because of the gif and the jpeg. I have had some trouble on some of the stuff we did in this class i been able to get out of it by the help of the videos my teacher has provided and the help of my fellow classmates that help me too.Ive also had trouble on one of my webpages and it’s been doing the rollovers because it’s a little confusing. There are many steps on making a webpage because if you do one step worng than your gonna have to redo every thing over . I need to continue to work more on how to design a perfect web page that will work in any part of the session. Click Here to check out Photoshop. Or click Here to check out dream weaver, it’s something like Photoshop but has more things to add to your web page. The two labels to find my topics are adobe Photoshop and dream weaver